Limitations on the night sale of alcohol for off-site consumption

Przemysław Mroczkowski

University of Warsaw , Poland


This article studies the legality and appeal of limitations on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages between 10 pm and 6 am the next morning. Such limitations can be enacted by local governments. It is argued that since they interfere with the freedom of entrepreneurship, they need to comply with constitutional provisions. It is shown that Articles 22 and 31, section 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland relate to these limitations. Consequently, they have to be measured and protect the public interest. Administrative Courts apply such a balance when reviewing the legality of the limitations. The same approach was employed when attending to the main research question: iden­tification of acceptable limitations on the retail sale of alcohol during nighttime given the prevailing legal framework, the provisions laid down by the country’s Constitution, and the need to serve the public interest.


limitation of the freedom of entrepreneurship, retail sale of alcohol during nighttime, limitations on the sale of alcohol during nighttime, principle of proportionality, balance in Administrative Courts’ rulings

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Przemysław Mroczkowski
University of Warsaw


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