Robo-advice in insurance distribution under Polish law. Outline of the problem

Monika Szaraniec

Uniwersytet Ekomomiczny w Krakowie , Poland


This article relates to the problems of introducing new technologies in the activities of insurance distributors, especially brokers, and points to essential legal aspects of non-adjustment or absence of legal solutions in this respect. The author focused her investigations on the essence, application of robo-advice in economic insurance, as well as its admissibility in the Polish insurance distribution model. The article points to the types of cooperation of robo-advisors with the traditional insurance distributor and imperfections of the outsourcing agreement’s legal regime. The applicable Polish civil law norms on civil liability for damages caused by artificial intelligence are also not keeping pace with the development of new technologies and require reform, in the first place, on the level of UE law.


insurance distributor, robo-advisor, artificial intelligence, civil liability, outsourcing agreement

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Szaraniec, M. (2021). Robo-advice in insurance distribution under Polish law. Outline of the problem. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 99–119.

Monika Szaraniec
Uniwersytet Ekomomiczny w Krakowie


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