Review of the scientific monograph of Ph.D Marek Mrówczyński entitled: "Participants in bankruptcy proceedings"

Paweł Wrzaszcz

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


Bankruptcy proceedings, due to their specificity, require in-depth analysis. The review in question contains an attempt to assess the regulation analysis made by Ph.D. Marek Mrówczyński. The author, apart from assessing the structure and content of the monograph, additionally develops issues such as: changes in the list of claims, entities authorised to file for bankruptcy, or the court curator of the debtor. It also points out the elements of the monograph that should be subject to additional analysis, as well as the advantages of the scientific work. The issues mentioned by Ph.D. Marek Mrówczyński are quite contentious due to their specificity, and thus their analysis by the author of the review is limited only to those that are relevant from the point of view of court practice. Finally, the author of the review assesses and summarises the prepared and reviewed scientific monograph.


participant in the proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings, creditor, declaration of bankruptcy

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Wrzaszcz, P. (2020). Recenzja monografii naukowej dr. Marka Mrówczyńskiego pt.: „Uczestnicy postępowania upadłościowego”. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 481–497.

Paweł Wrzaszcz
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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