Knowledge and Skills as a Requirement for Permanent Mediators - Gloss on the Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Poznań of 25 January 2018, III Sa / After 634/17

Marek Dąbrowski

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The article elaborates upon the considerations focused on the role of the pre­siding judge of the court in assessing the knowledge and skills required from candidates for permanent mediators. Requirements regarding the knowledge and skills of candidates for permanent mediators are not precisely defined in the regulations and are based on the assessment of court presiding judges. There­fore, it is necessary to analyse the case law that affects the interpretation of the requirements set for permanent mediators and to formulate conclusions that may facilitate the assessment of knowledge and skills. Considerations include the position expressed in the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Poznań (reference number III SA/Po 634/17) and judgments contrary to the indicated judgment. The skills required from candidates for permanent mediators were incorrectly identified with experience in conducting mediation in the above mentioned judgment.


knowledge and skills, permanent mediator, list of permanent mediators

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Dąbrowski, M. (2019). Kryterium wiedzy i umiejętności jako wymóg dla stałych mediatorów – glosa do wyroku WSA w Poznaniu z 25 stycznia 2018 r., III SA/Po 634/17. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 211–231.

Marek Dąbrowski 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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