A Few Remarks about Adding Donations to a Legitime

Oktawian Olejek

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


The article concentrates on the issue of inclusion of donations in the determi­nation of the right to legitime. The issues tackled relate to the interpretation of the concept of donation in the context of calculation of legitime, especially whether it refers to the donation as defined in Art. 888 of the Civil Code or other acts made donandi causa, considering the specific purpose of the institution of legitime, intended to secure inheritance interests of the closest family of the deceased be­queather.


legitime, donation, donation value, unpaid dissolution of co-ownership, marriage property contract

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Olejek, O. (2019). Kilka uwag na temat doliczania darowizn do substratu zachowku. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 253–272. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.8918

Oktawian Olejek 
Uniwersytet Śląski


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