Evolution of the Discretionary Clauses in Dublin System

Paulina Wilczyńska

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku , Poland


The article deals with the evolution of discretionary clauses – the sovereignty clause and humanitarian clause – in Dublin systemsince the beginning of its ex­istence. It focuses on changes of regulations, caused by numerous interpretative doubts in several Member States, presents statistics on the use of clauses and final­ly explains the reasons for future changes. It refers to judgements of the Court of Justice and Eurostat database as well, which enables to explore how discretionary clauses have been incorporated into the whole Dublin system. As a result, the ar­ticle shows that discretionary clauses are used only exceptionally by the Member States, but may lead to the overrunning of Dublin procedure due to imprecision. In turn, the EU legislator seeks to clarify the rules and limit the cases in which discretionary clauses replace the criteria arising from the Dublin III Regulation. While creating the article, the following methods were used: the descriptive, his­torical, legal and statistical analysis.


European asylum law, Dublin system, discretionary clauses

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Wilczyńska, P. (2019). Kształtowanie klauzul dyskrecjonalnych w systemie dublińskim. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 273–294. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.8923

Paulina Wilczyńska 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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