Time limits for raising a set-off defence in a civil trial

Karol Skrodzki

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku , Poland


The article discusses the regulation of the provision of Art. 2031 § 2 of the K.p.c. [CCP], establishing time limits in raising a set-off defence in a civil trial. The analysis focuses in particular on three issues. Understanding (definition) of the set-off defence, which is reflected in the scope of application of time limits resulting from Art. 2031 § 2 of the K.p.c. [CCP]. This provision excludes the possibility of invoking a set-off where it occurred after getting into a dispute as to the merits of the case. In addition, the article points to interpretation problems arising from the connection between the time limit for raising a defence of set-off and the defendant’s due date. The considerations made finally allow for the submission of proposals for the interpretation of Art. 2031 § 2 of the K.p.c. [CCP] and making de lege ferenda postulates.


deduction, set-off defence, defence of the defendant in the trial, course of action, amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure

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Skrodzki, K. (2021). Time limits for raising a set-off defence in a civil trial. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 81–97. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.9205

Karol Skrodzki  k.skrodzki@uwb.edu.pl
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2131-4159


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