Does the scope of application of art. 15 § 1 of the Code of Commercial Companies cover agreements establishing mortgage collaterals on real estate of companie. Comments on the background of the judgment of the Supreme Court of 7 March 2017

Krzysztof Andrzej Kubasik

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


The provision of Article 15 of the Commercial Companies Code sets out the requirement to obtain the consent of the general meeting of shareholders to carry out the legal actions indicated therein. The catalog included in the provision is, however, open and determination of its scope raises significant interpretation doubts. The establishment of a mortgage is excluded in its jurisdiction, which raises objections from the point of view of the rules of functional interpretation, protection of company assets, and control rights of partners or shareholders.


capital companies, consent of the shareholders’ meeting, mortgage

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Krzysztof Andrzej Kubasik
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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