The Possibility of Practicing Water Tourism on Border Inland Waters and Maritime Areas of the Republic of Poland in the Light of Legal Provisions

Leszek Ćwikła

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The article analyses the current legal regulations concerning water tourism on the border of inland waters and maritime areas of the Republic of Poland. It has been pointed out that the basic normative act is the so-called Schengen Borders Code, which does not provide for limitations in the scope of crossing the border with the Schengen area countries (i.e. the Federal Republic of Germany, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Lithuania); consequently, the water tourism in border waters with these countries may be practiced freely. However, in the case of countries which are not included in the Schengen area (Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation (the Kaliningrad District), the requirements concerning tourism on the border waters include: the regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 21 April 2008, bilateral interstate agreements and regulations of the locally competent province governor. The second part of the article presents the analysis of criminal provisions relating to illegal crossing of the state border of the Republic of Poland and failure to comply with the prohibitions imposed by the law. It was stressed that the Border Guard and the Police, in particular the Water Police, play an important role in the compliance of the law.


tourism, water tourism, inland border waters, maritime areas of the Republic of Poland, crossing the state border, Schengen Borders Code

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Ćwikła, L. (2020). Możliwość uprawiania turystyki wodnej na granicznych wodach śródlądowych i obszarach morskich Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w świetle przepisów prawa. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 71–94.

Leszek Ćwikła 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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