Religious freedom in the teachings of John Paul II

Giorgio Feliciani

Facoltà di Diritto Canonico San Pio X, Venezia , Italy


The article presents a discussion of the most important teachings of John Paul II on religious freedom. Following the papal thought, the Author concentrates particularly on the criticism of religious persecution and discrimination, underlining the meaning of the discussed freedom as the most basic human right, stemming from dignity of a human being. He also points out the catalogue of particular rights stemming from religious freedom, formed by the Polish Pope. John Paul II is presented not as a faithful and creative continuer of the Second Vatican Council, expressed in the Declaration on religious freedom Dignitatishumanae, but also as one of the real coauthors of this document.         


John Paul II, religious freedom, human rights, Dignitatis humanae Declaration

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Feliciani, G. (2017). Wolność religijna w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 57–71.

Giorgio Feliciani 
Facoltà di Diritto Canonico San Pio X, Venezia


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