Concordats of John Paul II

Józef Krukowski

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The subjects of consideration are the concordats concluded by the Holy See during the pontificate of John Paul II. In the introduction, the author defines the positions of the concordat in the hierarchy of sources of canon law and state law. The first part contains an analysis of the concept of the Concordat as a bilateral international agreement concluded by the Holy See with the country in order to normalize the situation of the Catholic Church on its territory which has legal consequences for both parties to on the respect for and protection of religious freedom in the personal and institutional. The second part contains the classifications of the concordats of John Paul II based on the belonging of the country that is a party of the concordat to a specific geographical, cultural or political region. For these reasons, three groups of concordats were distinguished: 1) concordats with European countries, 2) concordats with Latin American countries, 3) concordats with African and Asian countries.


international agreement, religiouse freedom, Holy See, state, clasification of concordats

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Krukowski, J. (2017). Konkordaty Jana Pawła II. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 169–185.

Józef Krukowski 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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