Actions taken in cases of infections and diseases to protect the safety of citizens

Wojciech Lis

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The security of citizens has different faces, so its provision and protection requires the use of many, sometimes controversial, methods and means. One of its kinds is health security pertaining to the entire population of the state. In order to provide them and protect them the state organs can use the coercion of treatment. Its use means that therapeutic activities must be implemented independently and often even against the will of the person being subjected to them. In this way there is a very deep interference in freedom and human rights, including the right to self-determination in terms of treatment and choice of treatment method. These actions are justified by the purpose they serve, namely ensuring control of infections and infectious diseases, that may have unpredictable consequences and consequently to prevent their spread.


health security, coercion of treatment, infections and infectious diseases, compulsory vaccinations, means of direct coercion

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Wojciech Lis 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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