A gloss to the rule of the Supreme Administrative Court of 6th October 2016 II GSK 3491/15

Andrzej Siwiec


The Supreme Administrative Court sustained the judgement of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw, which repealed the Minister’s of Health decision to refuse the admission of the patients association to the proceeding as participant with the right of party to proceedings. In his judgment the SAC proposed a series of statements which lead to the conclusion that the participation of community organisations in the reimbursement proceeding as participants with rights of parties is possible. Such settlement should be deemed legitimate, although it may have far-reaching consequences for the reibursement proceeding. The confidentiality of data and consequently applicants' interest, might be particularly at risk. Therefore, an implementation of particular regulations concerning the participation of community organisations in the reimbursement proceeding is suggested.


reimbursement, administrative proceeding, community organisation, medicinal products

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Siwiec, A. (2017). Glosa do orzeczenia NSA z dnia 6 października 2016 r., II GSK 3491/15. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.3301

Andrzej Siwiec  siwiecaa@gmail.com


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