Bestowal of the First Statutes upon a Nonpublic University

Jan Dytko

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach , Poland


Statute of an University is the manifestation of an autonomy of the latter. It is an intersystemic act that do not contain universally applicable norms because it is addressed to inner circle of recipient. Questions that are normalized by a statute are determined by Law on Higher Education. Authorization to regulate the statute can be mandatory or optional just in case the regulation does not go beyond the scope of the delegation granted. The only accountable subject for the conferral of the first statute to a non-public University is a legal person except for government or local governments. Statute conferral is a powerful privilege for the founder of the university, however, that does not exempt him from compliance with the principle of legality. The first statute of non-public University encompasses no only systemic issues, but also staff and financial matters, and it regulates the area of scientific activity.


non-public university, statute, statutory matter

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Jan Dytko 
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


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