Discretionary power of the public administration in defining the scope of the report on the impact of the undertaking on the environment – selected judicial and administrative decisions

Marek Geszprych

Paulina Kozińska

Politechnika Warszawska , Poland


The report on the environmental impact of the undertaking is one of the most important elements of the proceedings regarding the environmental impact assessment.This report should facilitate the identification of all potential threats related to the implementation of the planned project.One of the most important duties of the administrative resulting from the initiation of the assessment procedure is to call on the investor to submit a report on the project’s environmental impact.The public administration’s discretion in determining the scope of the report is related to the independence of the public administration’s assessment of the report, even when no one questions the correctness of the preparation of the report and the data contained therein.This administration must make a reliable assessment of the report, because a brief assessment of the report, failing to note the rational alternative variant and failure to indicate the argument allowing the option to consider the most favorable option for the environment is a significant drawback depriving this kind of proof of suitability for the proceedings.The public administration, when assessing the planned investment, verifies the data contained in the report.This administration should review and evaluate the direct and indirect impact of a given project on the environment, health and living conditions of people, material assets, monuments, access to mineral deposits and interactions between these factors.Due to the lack of legal precision, making this assessment is not always easy. 


report on the impact of the undertaking on the environment;, environmental impact assessment;, discretion

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Geszprych, M., & Kozińska, P. (2018). Dyskrecjonalna władza organów administracji publicznej przy określaniu zakresu raportu o oddziaływaniu przedsięwzięcia na środowisko - w świetle wybranych orzeczeń sądowo-administracyjnych. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 49–64. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.4590

Marek Geszprych 
Paulina Kozińska 
Politechnika Warszawska


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