The use of OTC drugs by children and adolescents

Magdalena Zamroczyńska

Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu , Poland


OTC drugs should meet the requirements for the safety of use. These drugs are intended for the control of common diseases, easy to diagnose, with a short treatment time. These are the most common painkillers, anti-cold medicines, cough and runny medicines, for sore throats, preparations used to treat muscle and joint pains, allergy and gastrointestinal problems. Drugs sold without a prescription are available in pharmacies and outlets outside pharmacies (in shops, at petrol stations). Drugs without a prescription can be advertised, among others on television, the Internet, radio, press. It is a false belief that over-the-counter medications can be taken without having to control their dosage and interaction with other substances, especially if you take too much. Non-prescription drugs are given without a doctor's recommendation, and the decision to use them is made by the patient himself. In recent years, the consumption of OTC drugs has increased significantly, primarily due to the huge amount of advertisements that encourage them to buy, while creating the need for their use. The widespread availability of OTC drugs creates the impression that they are safe products, which can lead to ignoring information leaflets. Medicines are sold to children and minors, which may lead to the abuse of OTC drugs and addiction


OTC drugs, children, adolescent, addiction

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Magdalena Zamroczyńska 
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu


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