Principles and scope of supervision over payment systems by the National Bank of Poland
The subject of the research described are legal solutions with regards to the systemic supervision in the scope of the payment system functioning in Poland. The provisions being applicable in the above scope, both on the national level, as well as in the EU, are marked by great dispersion. They include important issues from the point of view of safety and the stability of the financial sector. The aim of the analysis is to show the infrastructure of the payment system supervised by the Chairman the National Bank of Poland and pointing out the principles of taking actions by the central bank in the discussed scope. Particular emphasis was placed on the analysis "Report on the system supervision in the Polish payment system in 2018", published by the National Bank of Poland in December 2019.
The research methodology adopted in the study was based on the analysis of legal documents with taking into account various points of reference expressed in literature on the subject. The legal-comparative and dogmatic-legal research methods were used. The discussed issues regard an important and relatively new area of functioning of the central bank, where the EU legislation appoints the key goals. However, the area of operation of the payment system is determined by internal regulations shaping the financial market. The tasks performed by the NBP in this respect determine the new direction of activity of the central bank. In addition, the cooperation between the National Bank of Poland and KNF deserves particular attention. It is extremely important due to its responsibility for keeping financial security.
central bank, supervision, financial security, payment systemReferences
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