Migration issues in the EU’s common foreign and security policy – selected aspects

Tomasz Dubowski

University of Bialystok , Польща


In the discussion on the EU migration policy, it is impossible to evade the issue of the relation between this policy and the EU foreign policy, including EU common foreign and security policy. The subject of this study are selected links between migration issues and the CFSP of the European Union. The presented considerations aim to determine at what levels and in what ways the EU’s migration policy is taken into account in the space of the CFSP as a diplomatic and political (and subject to specific rules and procedures) substrate of the EU’s external action.

Ключові слова:

CFSP, migration policy, EU Global Strategy, EU external action

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Tomasz Dubowski  t.dubowski@uwb.edu.pl
University of Bialystok https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8731-2266


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