The influence of the context on the actualisation of synonymus meanings in modern Ukrainian female prose

Ludmila Semak

Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет , Ukraine


This paper is devoted to synonyms that function in the texts of modern Ukrainian female prose. The meanings of lexical units that enter into synonymous relations under the certain contextual conditions are analyzed. The semantic processes during which there is a semantic variation in meanings of synonyms are given. Using the method of component analysis, the semantic composition of the meanings of synonyms is described: the integral, differential and occasional components of the semantics of synonyms are revealed. The peculiarities of the transformation of the seme structure of words meanings under the context influence are clarified. It is emphasized that words meaning under the influence of the context undergoes certain changes, which determines the promotion of synonymous relations.


synonym, semantic structure of the word meaning, seme, actual meaning of the word, modern Ukrainian female prose

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Ludmila Semak
Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет