Topicality of the Spiritual Heritage and Theology of Brother Roger of Taizé

Jacek Froniewski

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu , Polska


This year in Wroclaw we experienced the European Youth Meeting organized by the Taizé Community. This great spiritual event is an opportunity to reflect more deeply on the importance of the heritage of Brother Roger of Taizé for the contemporary Church. As a starting point for this analysis, author took the biographical background, which will allow the reader to grasp the life context of Roger Schutz’s ecumenical research. Then, in the following points, he describes three essential elements of Brother Roger’s legacy, which are an ever-inspiring gift to the Church on the path of building unity. Firstly, it is a fully original form of Christian life in a monastic ecumenical community. Secondly, on the basis of this concrete experience of the Taizé Community, Brother Roger indicated a deeply existential way of building the unity of divided Christians. And thirdly, in his teaching he outlined a theology of forgiving love as the key to building reconciliation between the Churches. Undoubtedly the most spectacular fruit of his evangelical life are the crowds of young people from various Christian Churches that have invariably gathered around the Taizé Community for decades.

Słowa kluczowe:

Roger Schutz, brat Roger z Taizé, Wspólnota z Taizé, ekumenizm, teologia ekumeniczna, jedność Kościoła

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Jacek Froniewski 
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


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