"Gnoseological Concupiscence" and the Lines of Division in Post-Conciliar Theology

Tracey Rowland

Uniwersytet Notre Dame, Australia , Australia


This article is a summary of the arguments contained in the author’s book Catholic Theology. It highlights the fault-lines between four of the most significant approaches to theology in the Post-Conciliar era. The author classifies these four approaches as: (1) Thomist theology, (2) Communio-style theology, (3) Concilium-style theology and (4) liberation theology.

Słowa kluczowe:

pożądliwość poznawcza, tomizm, teologia Communio, teologia Concilium, teologia wyzwolenia

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Tracey Rowland 
Uniwersytet Notre Dame, Australia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2349-0677


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