About the Journal

"Theology in Poland" is a scientific journal presenting the results of research in the field of systematic theology in relation to contemporary scientific, cultural, and social challenges. It was founded by fr. Stanisław Celestyn Napiórkowski and performed a function of a bulletin for the theologian community. Since 2007, "Theology in Poland" has been a strictly scientific periodical, appearing twice a year (to the end of July and to the end of December). Since then, the journal has become the official journal of the Society of Dogmatics Theologians. "Theology in Poland" contains theological studies carried out mainly by Polish dogmatic theologians, being a platform for a scientific debate for Polish theologians. In addition to the article section, the journal also contains reports and reviews. Texts are published in Polish, as well as in English, and other languages. "Theology in Poland" is published twice a year, in printed and electronic version.

According to the Act of 26 January 1984 - Prawo prasowe (Press Law), the journal was registered by the District Court in Lublin in the register of newspapers and journals under item 1597.

The printed ISSN number is 1732-4572.
The ISSN number of electronic version is 2956-6355.


Fees, sources of financing

The editorial office does not charge authors any fees for publishing the text in the journal. Access to the magazine's content is free of charge. The magazine does not publish advertisements. The magazine is published by The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. An additional source of financing is the Society of Dogmatic Theologians. 

Anti-plagiarism system

To prevent plagiarism, the journal’s editorial team relies on an anti-plagiarism system Crossref Similarity Check which uses the iThenticate software by Turnitin – a global provider of technology services for science and education. The system allows to check the alleged similarity of the text in question with billions of Internet sources and texts deposited by publishers who use Similarity Check.