
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • By sending the text, the Author grants "Teologia w Polsce" a non-exclusive license for the submitted text.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Guidelines for authors
Information for authors preparing materials for the journal “Theology in Poland” created by Dogmatic Theology Community ( Towarzystwo Teologów Dogmatyków) Publishing cycle of “Theology in Poland”:

Book 1 (spring): submission of articles: until March 31; sending reviews, reports, announcements: by April 15; print and publication on the Internet: no later than to the end of July.

Book 2 (fall): submission of articles: until October 31; sending reviews, reports, announcements: by November 15.; print and publication on the Internet: no later than to the end of December.

General rules:

Materials should be sent by given deadlines in electronic form (.doc or .rtf formats) to the email address of the TwP Editorial Secretary (or on a data carrier to the postal address; TwP Editors do not return data carriers).

Materials without contact details to the author (address and e-mail; or telephone number) will not be accepted. By submitting the text for publication, the author declares that he owns the copyright on it (in accordance with Polish law) and that the text has not been previously published (in the event of re-publication, please notify the TwP Editorial Board, indicating the reasons for re-publication). Articles are accepted for publication according to the decisions of the TwP Editorial Board and an external review; other materials are accepted depending on the TwP Editorial Board's decision. All submitted materials should meet high linguistic standards (TwP editors do not provide philological support). Foreign texts should be reviewed by a native speaker before submission to TwP. TwP editors reserve the right to reject materials that do not meet these requirements.


Articles submitted to TwP should contain:

- name of the center with which the author is associated (e.g. WT KUL, Lublin; WT UKSW, Warsaw);

- very short scientific biography of the author (possibly with a contact address);

- OCRID number;

- summary in Polish with translated title (up to approx. 100 words) and keywords;

- summary in English (up to about 100 words) and keywords.

- final bibliography ordered alphabetically and chronologically for publications by the same author;

- when using non-standard fonts (e.g. in quotations in ancient languages), it is also advisable to attach a font file and send a printout of the text to the address of the editor.

Editorial comments:

- no other distinctions should be used other than italics and bold;

- only Polish quotation marks: '-', and <<apostrofy>> '-' inside them should be used;

- manual division of words between verses should not be used;

- abbreviations for biblical books, Qumran literature, and religious names should be used according to: Catholic Encyclopedia. List of abbreviations, Lublin 1993;

- other abbreviations may be introduced by the author on the first reference to the work in the footnote, e.g. R. Haight, Jesus Symbol of God (italics), Maryknoll, - New York 1999 [hereinafter: JSG].

- when referring to a previously cited item again, the abbreviated notation of the title, e.g. K. Rahner, Church Christology ...) which we use for both books and articles should be used. 

In the bibliographic descriptions, we use a simple version of the comma, according to the examples given below. Journal titles should be written without quotation marks (we do not use abbreviations). The numbering should be provided as follows: 3 (2001) [year_number (year)], and if it is necessary to indicate the issue in the yearbook: 3.2 (2001) [yearnumber, issue_number (year)]. If the notebooks maintain continuous numbering as part of the year, you will not need to provide the issue number. In descriptions of collective works, the title (in italics) precedes editors, whose name is given in the denominator after the abbreviation, e.g. Jesus in Context. Temple, Purity, and Restoration, edited by B. Chilton, C.A. Evans, Leiden 1997.

 Examples of bibliographic descriptions (titles in italics):

  1. Por. J.H. Moulton, A Grammar of New Testament Greek, t. 1: Prolegomena, Edinburgh 1983, s. 11, 14.
  2. E. Ancilli, La mistica: alla ricerca di una definizione, w: La mistica. Fenomenologia e riflessione teologica, red. E. Ancilli, M. Paparozzi, t. 1, Roma 1984, s. 17-18.
  3. K. Rahner, Kościelna chrystologia między egzegezą a dogmatyką, w: tenże, Pisma wybrane, t. 1, tł. G. Bubel, Kraków 2005, s. 251-283.
  4. Por. A. de Halleux, La définition christologique à Chalcédoine, Revue théologique de Louvain 7 (1976), s. 1-23, 155-170.
  5. L. Szewczyk, Homilia jako miejsce zastosowania zasad retoryki. Nowe poszukiwania wzajemnych relacji, Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne 36,1 (2003), s. 128.
  6. Por. K. Rahner, Kościelna chrystologia…, s. 279-283.
  7. Por. B. Chilton, John the Purifier, w: Jesus in Context. Temple, Purity and Restoration, red. tenże, C.A. Evans, Leiden - New York - Köln 1997, s. 203-220.
  8. Por. tamże, s. 205-212.