Quaerite faciem eius semper. Joseph Ratzinger's "spiritual Christology"

Pablo Blanco Sarto

University of Navarra, Spain, Theological Department , Spain


Ratzinger proposes a “Spiritual Christology”, in wich will be together Ontology and Soteriology, the Theology of the Cross and the Theology of Incarnation, Christology, Pneumatology and Ecclesiology. In the first place, it is need to fulfill the breaking-off between he historical Jesus and the Crist of the faith, and to defend the homousios and the divinity of Jesus Christ defined in Nicaea and III Constantinople. On the other hand Ratzinger reminds the centrality of the salvific figure of Christ, in which is related not only the divinity, ut also the unique character of mediation in the salvation. He is not an avatar more of the Divinity, but the Son of God, who was made man “for us” and “for our salvation”. Jesus of Nazaret will have an “unrepeteable singularity and unicity”. He is the only Mediator nd Saviour. The Seeking of Christ’s Face will be the summit of the theological work of the present pope emeritus.


nature, person, unicity, mediation, council of Chalcedon

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Pablo Blanco Sarto 
University of Navarra, Spain, Theological Department https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9497-1649


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