Communional Aspects of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit According to John D. Zizioulas

Marek Jagodziński

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Theology , Poland


What deserves emphasizing in the significant theological thought of John D. Zizioulas is his ecumenical openness and deep theology saturated with communion thought, which also produces the communion perspective of the reality of the Holy Spirit. Pneumatology has its origins in the Trinitarian-ecclesial reflection, which developed the fundamental concept of the Communion of the Holy Trinity. Zizioulas completely agrees with the Orthodox Trinitarian-pneumatological vision, which critically refers to the Trinitarian contribution of the thought of St. Augustine and he presents also a communional view on the contentious issue of Filioque – emphasizing the ecumenical perspectives of this topic and of ongoing dialogues which are still trying to bring the consensus of the Churches of East and West.


Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit, Communion, pneumatology, Filioque

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Marek Jagodziński 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Theology


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