The Holy Trinity and the Mystical Experience

Janusz Królikowski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Theological Department in Tarnow , Poland


The mystery of the Holy Trinity constitutes a transcendental and original principle of the history of salvation and the first subject of Christian faith. Christian faith and Christian life are both shaped in relation to this mystery. Therefore we can speak about the primacy of the Holy Trinity in the faith, which finds its expression in the gradual development and in the overall shape of Christian doctrine. It is worth noticing, that the Holy Trinity is also a subject of mystical experience. Starting with the New Testament, especially St. Paul, we can observe in the Church a progressive development of the conviction that the most elevated relation with God, that is mystical relation, has to be Trinitarian in character. It has been shown by the criteria of the Christian mysticism elaborated in theology. A  pecial manifestation of the mystical experience is “ecstasy”. It is rooted in the symbol of faith which synthetically reveals the subject of faith, that is the Holy Trinity together with the specific character of Its redemptive action. God’s lowering towards man constitutes the foundation of the based on faith, man’s rising towards God. In the proper meaning this issue finds its justification in the experience and theology of Paul the Apostle.


Trinity, symbol of faith, faith, mysticism, ecstasy, experience

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Janusz Królikowski 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Theological Department in Tarnow


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