About the Decidability of Theology

Adam Olszewski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Department of Philosophy , Poland


The paper takes a synthetic, not an analytical approach to the title issue. From the methodological point of view, it is an attempt to apply logical notions such as consequence, proof, rule and decidability to theology as a whole. In the first part (to the paragraph 3.1) the theology is considered as a logical theory and the drawbacks of such an approach are pointed out, including the impossibility of a sensible consideration of the decidability of such a theology. The second part weakens the logical notion of decidability and narrows down the notion of theology for which the weakened decidability can be applied. The whole discussion poses a lot of problems concerning theology, which probably theologians should solve. The work is quite controversial for both sides: theologians and
logicians. To make it easier for theologians to read the paper, a glossary of loosely worded terms of logical terms has been added.


theology, logic, decidability, consequence, inference rule

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Adam Olszewski 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Department of Philosophy https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3069-7518


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