The Mission of the Church and Her Dialogue With the World. A Comparison of the Conciliar Projects of Pierre Haubtmann and Karol Wojtyła

Andrzej Dobrzyński

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow , Poland


The article presents the debate which took place during few days on February 1965 in Ariccia (near Rome), where the members of the subcommittee of doctrine “Gaudium et spes” met to prepare the pastoral constitution. Two projects were compared. The first
one was that of Pierre Haubtmann from Paris and the second one that of Karol Wojtyła from Cracow. The role of the catholic community in forming interhuman relationship, dialogue and the significance of social doctrine of the Church were underlined in Haubtmann’s project, and as well a Christian vision of the world was presented. The second project showed the theological principles of Church’s mission in today’s world with special attention given to religious freedom and the identity of believers. The supernatural, salvific character of the Church’s activity was stressed as an essential perspective in her relationship with the contemporary world. During the debate, the key role of Christian anthropology was indicated to treat this relationship as well. As a result of the debate the subcommittee decided to add to the Haubtmann project a new ecclesiological chapter: (“the Role of the Church in the modern world”) of the pastoral constitution. This was a result of having brought into consideration Wojtyla’s project which reflected the situation of Church behind the Iron Curtain at that time.


Karola Wojtyła – John Paul II, Pierre Haubtmann, Gaudium et spes, relationship of the Church to the Modern World

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Andrzej Dobrzyński 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


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