Anthropological Optimism in the Perspective of the Perspective of the Doctrine of Original Sin

Przemysław Przyślak

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


Original sin has destroyed human nature. Man redeemed by Christ is constantly suffering the consequences of this corruption. However, observing modern society, one can get the impression that many thinkers and scientists do not seem to understand what the consequences of original sin are, and thus fall into too optimism. This optimism was called by the author anthropological optimism. Presenting three manifestations of this optimism, the author sought the answer to the question whether the science of original sin somehow influences its understanding and whether it can help to assess this optimism. Using the methods available to him, the author came to the conclusion that the current of his thought contradicts the science of original sin, which constitutes its falsehood. It follows that the practical application of anthropological optimism can lead to humiliation of the dignity of the human person, unsustainable human development, and the establishment of rights incompatible with the proper human dignity. The author finally notes that the current social situation, which is largely due to the practical use of the idea of anthropological optimism, requires constant deepening and courageous opposition to it.


anthropology, transhumanism, original sin, human nature, anthropological optimism, the human person

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Przemysław Przyślak 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw


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