The Holy Spirit in the Anointing of the Sick (A Study on the Current Rite)

Lajos Dolhai

Theological College of Eger , Hungary


The liturgical renewal endorsed by the Second Vatican Council has the Sacred Liturgy as its center: it is already in itself – as the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC 43) states – a grace of the Holy Spirit. The new ”Ordo” of the Anointing of the Sick can be
considered as one of the most significant fruits of this renewal. In fact, the new Ritual, with its articulation and richness of perspectives, presents a new vision of this sacrament. The most important amendment concerns its name which from the Sacrament of the dying (sacramentum exeuntium) becomes that of the sick (unctio infirmorum). The goal of my research is the deeper understanding of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Anointing of the Sick through a study of the current rite. We will analyze the Ritual from the pneumatological point of view and then arrive at a doctrinal synthesis. The method used is also comparative, because I would like to highlight the differences between the texts of the old Ritual (1614) to those of the current  liturgy (1972). The main question is this: How is the presence and action of the Holy Spirit expressed in the new Ordo.


Anointing of the Sick, current Ritual, Holy Spirit, the presence of the Spirit in the anointing of the sick, euchologia, the laying on of hands, anointing with oil

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Lajos Dolhai 
Theological College of Eger


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