The Obedience of Jesus Christ in the Mystery of the Covenant

Janusz Królikowski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


Within the frames of contemporary Christology, which has returned to patristic tradition, it is once again emphasised that the obedience constitutes the highest manifestation of life and message of Jesus Christ. It is in obedience where personal identification of the being and mission of Jesus, expressing His relation with God the Father and defining His exceptionality, finds its realisation. This perspective allows a profound interpretation of Jesus’s work for the benefit of man, which goes beyond all immanent reductions. This view becomes also a starting point for the appropriate understanding and interpretation of the act of salvation and by the same token of the new covenant with God. This article presents the obedience of Christ in relation to the mystery and history of the covenant which constitutes, to some extent, an introduction to the correct representation of the form and content of this obedience and simultaneously to determination of its soteriological meaning.


Jesus Christ, Abraham, obedience, freedom, old covenant, new covenant

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Janusz Królikowski 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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