The Programm of Practical Ecumenism According to Yves Congar's Chrétiens désunis

Paweł Pielka

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


The author of the article analyzes the work of Yves Congar Chrétiens désunis. Principes d’un „oecuménisme” catholique (Paris 1937). He distinguishes two themes: the position of the separated brethren and of the Catholic Church on ecumenism and the four
dimensions of practical ecumenism that the French Dominican proposes for the Church: recognizing the primacy of God’s action, going beyond prejudices against the brethren, returning to the sources, renewing doctrinal dialogue.


Yves Congar, practical ecumenism, dialogue, unity, Christians

Congar Y., Chrétiens désunis. Principes d’un „oecuménisme” catholique, Paris 1961.

Congar Y., Chrétiens en dialogue, Paris 1964.

Fouilloux E., Les catholiques et l’unité chrétienne du XIXe au XXe siècle. Itinéraires européens d’expression française, Paris 1982.

Hryniewicz W., Gajek J.S., Koza S.J., Ku chrześcijaństwu jutra. Wprowadzenie do ekumenizmu, Lublin 1996.

Jossua J.-P., Le père Congar. La théologie au service du peuple de Dieu, Paris 1967.

Napiórkowski A.A., Zagadnienia ekumeniczne. Skrypt dla studentów teologii, Kraków 1999.


Paweł Pielka 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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