Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an Ecumenical Problem

Hanna Ernst

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


Nowadays Marian issues are a great challenge for participants in ecumenical dialogue. Noticing and properly reflecting them is of great importance in striving to achieve the unity of Christians, which is the will of Christ. Among the Mariological issues raised in
discussions between different denominations, one of the more difficult contentious issues is the doctrine of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Differences between denominations in perceiving this issue, initiated in the era of the Reformation, became consolidated and exist to this day. Opening the relationship between divided Christians, enabling joint consideration of this disputed issue, was associated with the beginning of a dialogue, freed from old emotions, tensions and prejudices. This article aims to answer the question of whether it is possible to re-read the mystery of Mary, her place and role in the Church as part of the ecumenical dialogue undertaken, leading to achieving unity regarding the issue of her maternal intercession.


ecumenical dialogue, Mariology, Mary̕ s intercession

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Hanna Ernst 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw


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