The Synod in the Catholic Church in Poland as a Foundation of the Experience of the Community Unity

Andrzej Proniewski

The University of Bialystok , Poland


In the autumn of 2021, the Synod on Synodality began in the Catholic Church under the theme "Towards a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission". The synodal work was carried out at three levels: diocesan, national and continental, and was spread over three years (2021-2023). From 4 to 29 October, the XVI Assembly of the Synod will be held in Rome.

The article includes analyses from the work carried out among the believers of the Catholic Church in Poland, both clergy and laity. The content has been edited and presented in two points: using the historical method, the synodal events have been described, and thanks to the method of speculative hermeneutics, the substantive content has been pointed out, in which particular attention is paid to the beginnings, the cyclical nature of the activities, the national synthesis, the difficulties and perspectives.

The future will show to what extent the process of synodality has permeated the mentality and contributed to the dynamism of the Church's life.


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Andrzej Proniewski
The University of Bialystok


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.