John Paul II About the New Daughter of Zion

Kazimierz Pek

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


In the twentieth century, the theme of Mary the daughter of Zion emerged in theological debate. It appeared in commentaries on the annunciation of Mary. It was inspired above all by the prophecies of the Old Testament. The Second Vatican Council portrayed Mary as "the exalted daughter of Zion".  Among the popes, John Paul II in particular took an interest in interpreting Mary's role in the light of God's covenant with humanity. He called the Mother of the Lord "the new daughter of Zion". He showed that such a term reveals a God-Spouse who continues to bestow new love and calls to Messianic joy. Mary-Mother of the Messiah has already participated in such a relationship with God and is a sign of the universal vocation of humanity


the new daughter of Zion, John Paul II, Mariology


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Kazimierz Pek
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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