Reform of the Church and in the Chruch. The Historical Aspect of the Formula "Ecclesia Semper Reformanda"

Janusz Królikowski

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow , Poland


This article attempts to trace the origins of the formula Ecclesia semper reformanda which is frequently referred to in ecclesiology as well as in debates on certain issues which have to be tackled in the contemporary Church. Although the idea of the reform of the Church is as old as the Church itself, the very formula dates back to the circles of the Dutch Reformed Church, with its author being reverend Jodocus van Lodenstein (1620‒1677) who included the formula in his treatise Beschouwinge van Zion (Utrecht 1674). It is likely that the formula, along with the very idea of the reform, was not acknowledged in the Catholic Church because of its origins. Contemporary theology has to undertake an important task and to give the formula the authentic meaning which will correspond with the catholic ecclesiology, which is definitely promoted by the Second Vatican Council and the teachings of post-conciliar popes.


reformatio Ecclesiae, reformation, reform, renewal, Church, God's Word

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Janusz Królikowski 
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


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