Indwelling of the Trinity: A Forgotten Truth? Dogmatic-spiritual-pastoral Study

Dariusz Kowalczyk

Pontifical University Gregorianum , Italy


Not many Catholic doctrines have as many scriptural references to them as the doctrine of Trinitarian indwelling. Despite this, it is not a frequent theme in theological reflection and preaching today. In this situation, not only does the New Testament invite us to take up the mystery of indwelling, but so do the precious texts of the Magisterium of the Church (Divinum illud munus of Leo XIII, Mystici Corporis Christi of34 Pius XII) and the numerous testimonies of saints (e.g., Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Elizabeth of the Trinity, Faustina Kowalska), for whom the very presence of God in their hearts was the foundation of all other spiritual experiences. Indwelling is not just a beautiful truth next to many others. In fact, it can offer a guiding thread for reflection on all matters of theology and
preaching. One of the problems hindering a theological, spiritual and pastoral renewal of the mystery of indwelling lies in an idealized perception. This idealization leads the faithful to believe that it does not pertain to them because they do not consider themselves holy. At this point the theme of the kenosis of the Holy Spirit could be developed. It helps us to perceive God’s loving presence even in the weak and sinful human beings. It is true that the concept of indwelling concerns persons who find themselves in the state of sanctifying grace (Spiritus inhabitans), but – first – this state does not mean full perfection, and – second – the Spirit (Spiritus movens) also draws near to great sinners in order to bring them back to grace.


indwelling, Holy Spirit, Trinity, grace, kenosis, mysticism

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Dariusz Kowalczyk 
Pontifical University Gregorianum


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