„The World on the Brink of Collapse”. Reflections on the Divisions of the 20th and 21st Centuries in the Biography „Benedict XVI. Life" Written by Peter Seewald


Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XV was not only an outstanding theologian, but also a keen observer, diagnostician and prognosticator of time. His thinking looked far ahead, prophetically looked into the future and predicted the devastating consequences of human actions that are being realized today, e.g. the rapidly progressing secularization and the accompanying decline in the number of young people in the Church. Both as a moderate modernist and a convinced conservative, he sensed the approaching collapse or self-destruction of humanity living without God. In his opinion, the world is on the brink of an abyss. That is why Benedict XVI, in his countless speeches and writings, has repeatedly called on humanity to take care of the environment, so that the earth, which the Creator has entrusted to
man as a responsible mission, can also be passed on to other generations.


Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Church in Germany, ecumenism, secularization, creation, world on the brink of collapse

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