Church Fathers and Metaphysics: Unavoidable Relationship

Giulio Maspero

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome , Italy


Reflections which concern using metaphysics in the teaching of the Church Fathers are highly important, because this relationship is deeply rooted in their exegesis. The relationship was negated specifically by the Reformation, which insisted that biblical language was allegedly replaced by pagan Greek philosophy. In fact, the Church Fathers were not only working on metaphysics itself but also they modified its classical form, producing some kind of new ontology, which is helpful in more precise theological depiction of Trinitarian God. On that basis they had initiated a new interpretation of metaphysics, showing a new perspective in looking at theological issues, such as creation, the mystery of human being, or Mariology.


Church Fathers, metaphysics, exegesis

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Giulio Maspero 
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome


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