In Search of the Specifity of Marian Thought Saint Athanasius the Great

Piotr Kaczmarek

Pontifical Theological Faculty in Warsaw , Poland


The aim of the article is to look at the writing activity of Saint Athanasius the Great, the bishop of Alexandria (296–373). We will examine his writings in terms of Mariology. This famous Father of the Church, remembering the bloody persecution of Christians, had to defend Christian doctrine as a bishop during whole his life. For it was a time when a certain Arius propagated the theory according to which Jesus Christ is subordinate to God the Father. He was also a great propagator of the teaching of the Council of Ephesus. We do not focus on the analysis of source texts, but on showing the whole context and background of activity of the Bishop of Alexandria. During his ministry he struggled with the heresy of Arianism. In his Mariology, Saint Athanasius defended the truth of the Incarnation, which confirms the true Divinity and true humanity of Christ. He spoke about the Mother of God (Theotókos), and he praised Mary’s virginity. In conclusion, we can say that the Mariology of St. Athanasius should be sought in his Christology, because this is the main subject of his writings.


St Athanasius, Mariology, Arianism

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Piotr Kaczmarek 
Pontifical Theological Faculty in Warsaw


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