Revelation According to Radical Orthodoxy

Sławomir Zatwardnicki

Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw , Poland


A broad understanding of revelation corresponds to a wide range of theological interests of radical orthodoxy. The article shows which conceptions are struggled against and which interpretations of revelation are promoted by the movement’s supporters. Following Thomas Aquinas, representatives of radical orthodoxy assume that revelation is an event which combines illumination of the intellect, the interpretation of reality in this light and internal transformation of a soul. Such a point of view leads to rejection of a modern conception of revelation (Suárez’s heritage). According to representatives of radical orthodoxy, by coming back to patristic and medieval roots, especially to metaphysics of participation, one can overcome dualisms of faith and reason together with those of nature and grace. Henri de Lubac’s surnaturel paradox is spread onto issues of biblical exegesis and development of doctrine. Issues of relation of theology to philosophy is dealt with as well. In fact the discussion with opinions of leaders of the movement should be reduced to a meta-argument concerning the polarity: unity vs distinction. Finally, the attitude of radical orthodoxy is presented against a background of catholic theology. The radicalism characteristic of the movement turns out to simultaneously shake the orthodox balance typical of Catholicism.


radical orthodoxy, John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock, Graham Ward, revelation, biblical exegesis, allegorical interpretation, metaphysics of participation, criticism of modernity, dualism of faith and reason, Henri de Lubac’ surnaturel, radicalism vs orthodoxy, polarity, unity vs distinction, theology vs philosophy, Karla Barth’s fideism

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Sławomir Zatwardnicki 
Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw


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