Love as the Center of the Soteriological Doctrine in the IV Book De Trinitate Saint Augustine

Sylwester Jaśkiewicz

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Theology , Poland


Two times, his short soteriological treatise contained in the IV book De Trinitate, precedes the Bishop of Hippo underlining the great love of God for man. Significantly God’s love is like a key that allows us to understand not only the mystery of the death of the incarnate Son of God, but also the current condition of the redeemed man. It was God’s merciful love that changed humanity from enemies into friends and made it possible to love Him. Without God’s revelation, people would never understand that their existence is constitutively incorporated into the eternal love of the Father for the Son and objectively directed at it. With true predilection, Bishop of Hippo speaks of Christ as the Mediator of life, because sin deprives man of God’s life, which was offered to him by the Father through the mediation of the Son. Hence, the Father sent his Son into the world to save people from sin and let them enjoy life again. Christ also confirmed his love for the Father and people by offering himself as satisfaction for human sins, so that no man doubted that he is loved by him.


Saint Augustin, De Trinitate, love, soteriology, mediator, redeemer

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Sylwester Jaśkiewicz 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Theology


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