An Outline of the Christology of the Sense According to J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Around the Method

Bartosz Moralewicz

University of Silesia, Department of Theology , Poland


The article describes the Christology of sense, which consists in the presentation of Jesus Christ as the centre of reality, since He is an answer to the question about the proper understanding of the world and its complicated history. Son of God gives meaning to the whole reality, including the life of humanity, since Christ’s mission corresponds to the structure of life of every man. In Him we have got an access to God in the Holy Spirit. It is a living and specific presence of God, which constitutes the Church due to the nature of faith. The event of the Cross is continued in the Holy Spirit. The significance and simplicity of faith – that its shape is the conception of God Himself, not an idea created by men – constitutes an unswerving hope of God’s composition in the future. Consequently, the Christology of sense constitutes a presentation of faith based on fundamental truths referring to Christ who is ‘the same yesterday and today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8).


Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, Christology of sense, method

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Bartosz Moralewicz 
University of Silesia, Department of Theology


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