Relations Between the Universal Church and the Particular Churches in the Thought of Fr. Jose Ramon Villar

Jan Wółkowski

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Department of Theology , Poland


The article deals with the problem of searching for the essence of the relationship between the particular and the universal Church. It presents the pivots of division into the universal Church and the particular Churches. The issue of the universal Church’s primacy and the interaction between them is extended. Presented are the forms of the presence of the universal Church in the particular and the nature and mission of the episcopate. The consideration is analytical and synthesizing. The work is part of the current of reflections on Eucharistic ecclesiology and the theology of the particular Church. These issues in the thought of J.R. Villar show how to understand the relationship of the particular Church to the universal.


Particular Church, Universal Church, local Church, Lumen gentium, the Second Vatican Council, bishop, Ordo episcoporum, theology of bishopric, Ordo presbyterorum, eucharistic ecclesiology, french theology, spanish theology, Jose Ramon Villar

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Jan Wółkowski 
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Department of Theology


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