Tradition as the Principle of Catholic Theology

Gerhard Ludwig Müller


The biblical revelation, as well as all Christianity, has strictly historical character. Therefore, theology should remain historical as well. Apart from the fact that it teaches some timeless truths, theology, on the first place, proclaims the message about God reveling himself in the history. This message itself is historical and it is communicated from generation to generation in dynamic process called Tradition. Therefore, Tradition is not an external norm but it is rather a fundamental rule for every theologian – the rule without which we cannot speak of catholic theology at all. This role of Tradition should be emphasized especially nowadays when we experience a “cult of contemporaneity” and when we see a trend in the Church to treat unofficial sayings of Pope and other members of the hierarchy as normative and supposedly standing above Tradition.


Tradition, Holy Scripture, methodology of theology, revelation, ekumenism

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Gerhard Ludwig Müller 


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