How Exegesis Influences Dogmatics?

Bernhard Körner

University of Graz , Germany


With the end of neoscholastic theology, there was a necessity of new definition of relation between dogmatics, which is now understood from the perspective of history of salvation, and exegesis which, among other methods, uses a historicocritical method. Fundamentals of that new understanding have been given by the constitution Dei Verbum of Vaticanum II. Reffering to this document, the article presents the thesis that the interpretation of the Holy Scripture by the Church through the ages, that is in the living Tradition, and historicocritical interpretation are two different approaches which, nevertheless, should not be contradicted. What is more, we can read the Bible and understand it not just
as a historical text but as the Word of God for today, only when we take into account the mutual influence of these two approaches.


revelation, word of God, dogmatic explanation of the Scripture, historical exegesis, historicity

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Bernhard Körner 
University of Graz


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