Theology 2.0. Constitution for Science of Faith (Some Comments)

Jerzy Szymik

University of Silesia in Katowice , Poland


Civilizational, ideological context of postmodern West forces theology to confirm its identity, tasks and place in the scientific and academic world. Among many opinions and positions, particular authority is vested in the International Theological Commission and proposals presented by the last popes – John Paul II and Benedict XVI – for whom an encounter in the space of the Church of the cognitive capabilities of faith resulting from grace with the truth-oriented mind bears the fruit in the form of theology: an effort of searching for and finding God who manifests Himself as the Saviour. Such theology requires courage, since it contests liberal and atheistic concept of the autonomous mind and the corresponding model of technocratic university. Persisting – often in spite of ostracism – at the European university and drawing on from its latest experiences, theology remains a guarantee of its objectivity, a holistic vision of reality, rationality serving good and wisdom.


faith, mind, university, science, truth, cognition, Europe, post-modernism

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Jerzy Szymik 
University of Silesia in Katowice


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