Testify of Faith in the Encounter with the Human in Crisis. The Practice and the Proposals of Jean-Guilhem Xerri, Christian Engaged in This World

Artur Kasprzak

The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University , Poland


Jean-Guilhem Xerri, a biologist, skilled and attentive to the holistic conception of man, has been noticed in the French Catholic milieu by his recent publication: À quoi sert un chrétien? The book provides an analysis of the state of man today and proposes to begin a pastoral program of the Christian faith credibility in the world today. The diagnosis of the technological, economic and ideological development of transhumanism reveals in the end multiple human sufferings. However, the negative observation of human is considered as an opportunity to the encounter and a testimony. Our reading advocates the practical vision of the testimony of the faith of this author, for it is the Christian of the land of this world, but it also indicates its limits. The proposed apostolate does not enter sufficiently into the analysis of the crisis in terms of the positive elements of the modern world evolution. Xerri does not sufficiently suggest how to articulate modern man aspirations of liberation and secularization with the proclamation of the Gospel as well as he does not really specifies the new issues of the ethical sense in politics that Christians have the right to express in their witness.


Jean-Guilhem Xerri,, Apostolate, Testimony, Evangelization, Integral humanism, Christian anthropology

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Artur Kasprzak 
The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9715-9357


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