The Holy Spirit as the Greatest Gift of the Merciful Love of Christ

Michał Kosche

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski , Poland


This text deals with the pneumatological dimension of God’s mercy. Starting from the farewell speech of Christ, written by St. John the Evangelist, in which the Savior explains to the disciples that the Holy Spirit is the greatest Gift that He leaves to the Church, the author seeks to sketch a contribution to the pneumatological outlook of God’s mercy. The article begins with sketching the horizon of understanding of God’s mercy. Afterwards cognitive attention is directed towards capturing the relationship between Christ – the Incarnate Mercy of the Father – and the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete and the Person-love. The analysis crowns the horizontal dimension of mercy in which the Holy Spirit makes man experienced by the mercy of God capable of mercy toward others.


Mercy, the Holy Spirit, person, pneumatology

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Michał Kosche 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski


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