Erich Przywara's Analogia Entis as a Model of Catholic Thinking in Postmodern Reality
Maciej Raczyński-Rożek
The Catholic Academy in Warsaw , Poland
The contemporary Catholic is living in the broadly understood postmodern culture, which in its assumptions cannot be reconciled with Catholic thinking, above all, because of the negation of objective truth. Therefore, he must take care of his vision of reality alone. Erich Przywara presents a worldview that can be a response to this demand. On the one hand, because it is deeply rooted in the Catholic tradition, on the other hand, it is, in the same time, open to culture. Taking into account the historicity of the subject and the object, the Przywara’s analogia entis does not close in some static system, but is a dynamic approach that allows entering into a dialogue or polemic with hot current issues.
Przywara, analogia entis, natural theology, postmodernismReferences
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